These are the MD5 message digests for the files in this directory. If you want to test your files, use 'md5sum' and compare the values to the ones listed here. To test all these files, use this command: tail +13 CHECKSUMS.md5 | md5sum --check | less 'md5sum' can be found in the GNU coreutils package on in /pub/gnu, or at any GNU mirror site. MD5 message digest Filename b3cb2321578d3f51cd757a6392b29c37 ./.genreprc 0d382e6f70f7073a19c8fa5313762233 ./FILELIST.TXT 62c8125c3ead430ae0303737fb5f326d ./GPG-KEY 4059d198768f9f8dc9372dc1c54bc3c3 ./MANIFEST.bz2 713e12fd6bae85d5d910b2e2752d8081 ./PACKAGES.TXT b7bf077c43228d57ec8a2d673680fde4 ./PACKAGES.TXT.gz