#!/bin/sh # Create the xpra-prebuilt-docs tarball. Part of SlackBuilds.org xpra # build. Run from within the SlackBuild dir. Does not require root # acces, but does need to write to its current directory. set -e # get VERSION: source ./xpra.info OUTDIR=xpra-$VERSION-prebuilt-docs TARBALL=$OUTDIR.tar.xz RPMFILE=xpra-common-5.0.4-10.r0.el8.x86_64.rpm URL=https://www.xpra.org/dists/CentOS/8/x86_64/$RPMFILE # only download the file if we don't already have it. [ -e $RPMFILE ] || wget $URL [ -e $RPMFILE ] || exit 1 rm -rf $OUTDIR mkdir -p $OUTDIR cd $OUTDIR # extract without creating an intermediate tarball (as rpm2targz would): rpm2cpio ../$RPMFILE | cpio -imd # remove everything but the docs: mkdir .keep mv usr/share/doc/xpra/* .keep rm -rf * mv .keep/* . rmdir .keep # now ready to create the tarball. cd - tar cvfJ $TARBALL $OUTDIR md5sum $TARBALL